Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Nelson Mandela

Nelosn Mandela is a strong leader who show determination. Born on the 18th of July 1918 in Transkei, South Africa. Mandela served 27 years in prison at Robben Island South Africa. on the 11 February 1990 Mandela was released from prison. Nelson  Mandela was a former President of South Africa, the first to be elected in a fully representative democratic election. He held office from 1994–99. Nelson Mandela put all of his life at risk to bringing peace, to the apartheid. Bringing peace to the apartheid was going to take a while but Mandela was determined to at least try his hardest.  Mandela helped lead the transition towards multi-racial democracy in South Africa. Since the end of apartheid, many have frequently praised Mandela. Mandela has received more than one hundred awards over four decades, most notably the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. In South Africa Nelson Mandela is often known as Madiba, an honorary title adopted by elders of Mandela's clan.

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